The Green Gardians

Our 2024 Members!

A reminder to all - membership fees are due for 2025.
Join us and learn about the plants growing in our garden and how we care for them. Our garden is located at the Caledonia Mill and we meet here a few times throughout the year. We will have fun lessons and crafts! We get creative, explore, and learn while having positive experiences in the garden. We learn about nurturing the environment for a greener future! We learn about healthy lifestyle choices, and discover the exciting processes of the natural world - not to mention making new friends!
Youth Garden activities are good opportunities to volunteer. We are always looking for volunteers of any age. Adults are welcome with their children. Participating in our Youth Garden activities is a great way to spend time with your children and have your child learn about the environment. This is a great opportunity to get your hands dirty and become better stewards of the environment with family and friends.
You can become a GREEN GARDIAN!
Cost: $15/year includes Free Green Gardian T-Shirt
Families with 2 children in the program the fee is $20/year
Ages: 6-9 (with adult)
Ages: 10-13
Ages: 14-16 (volunteer hours)

Garden at the Caledonia Old Mill!

Congratulations on the Green Gardians First Place Win at the Caledonia Fair!

Weeding at the Caledonia Mill

The youth and the instructors enjoyed a tree making workshop as the Dec meeting activity with Craig Colbert was the instructor.